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My First Bike Crash

Five months later, i can finally put it into words how It happened; my first a bike crash. I never thought that i would experience it sooner, a year after i bought my bike. I'm no pro, but i like when I ride it fast, and i thought i could be safe anywhere i ride. But apparently God has other plan for me, so I follow His mighty plan, i might say.

January 13th 2018, my sister drove me to Sentul. It was a casual Saturday, that i visited Sentul several times for rolling hills training. I remembered, that morning was a bit dark and drizzling, but i thought it was okay to ride, i saw some cyclist already started their training earlier. Parked my car, my sister waiting in coffee shop, i warmed up my legs a little bit, then off to go Sentul loop.

Although some part of the road was wet, I was cycling with some weird feeling. One warm up lap done, i increased my rpm to go faster on the second lap, try to make a PB in that 5 km loop. hitting one km of the second loop, saving my legs on the climbed, then i went hard on the descent. Suddenly a car passed me, there was only 15 meters gap between me and the car on the half way down Sentul loop. I passed 40 kph on the descent, with that kind of speed and close gap between me and the car, I didn't and couldn't see that there was a small pit at 4 km descending. Then viola! BANG! I hit the pit, i was all over the place.

I reckon, my front wheel literally stopped from 40+ kph to zero kph. It was in that small pit. My body was thrown away, I could see myself flying, my head hit the road first, my helmet, then I couldn't recall the rest of it. I was lying on the road, strange I felt no pain. I was numb for a minute. then a security came to help me sit by side of the road, I called my babe and my sister to get me, we went to to hospital across the street. One hour later, ten stitches on my right ear, and a lot of wound on right face, shoulder, and legs. There was no injury what so ever, and Thank God I was still alive.

After that crashed, I keep asking my self, what did I do so wrong that I deserved this kind of crash. My training was kinda back down a little bit, feeling disappointed but I keep on trying, never give up. My body was still in pain a week after that, i'm losing my back flexibility until now, and got a huge wound on the back of my right shoulder. Strangely, I'm not traumatized by it. Because I didn't feel any pain, I hit my head hard, and that's it. Thou I asked my coach to changed my training to indoor cycling all the time, for safety reason, and I couldn't waste any more time for recovery in my race season.

And it's true when some said "the comeback is always stronger than the setbacks", a month later on February, I won Bangsaen Triathlon (olympic distance) AG 25-29. I mean God always has a greater plan, you just gotta believe, have faith, and never give up under any circumstances.

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