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I Hunt Goals

sea games Singapore 2015

I think it’s official that today I feel a little bit scary of goals. It’s the first time again since Sea Games Singapore 2015. My goal was to get a medal at SEA Games. So my training was on full throttle for six months earlier, then ended up having two bronze medals! I was so satisfied with my medals and the outcome, because I achieved more than I targeted myself. Getting a medal at sea games was really tough, then having two was unbelievable. At that time it was the hardest work I’ve ever done to myself. So jump to today, it’s twelve weeks before beijing tri. I’ve got some ghoosebumps if I remember my goals; I wanted to finish podium in this race. I came all the way from home, 10 hours flight to Beijing, and I wanted to finish it with a podium. To make my family and home country proud.


Beijing International Triathlon would have several pro athletes male and female, but I will compete with the age groupers. This event is a qualifying race for Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco on june 2019, there’s only 50 slot to win over. It would be very competitive race. And that’s why the registration sold quickly, within a week. But I’ve got lucky to join the wait list, and could enter the race. The course would be so challenging and one of a kind. We would swim at the lake 1500 meter in 23 degrees Celsius. Out of the water, there’s about 800 warm up run to the T1. The bike course would be technical, flat, then on 15 to 20 km we would climb the mountain and fast downhill. Then on the run was mostly flat, but on 4 km, there would be hundreds of stairs to climb up and down (whut?!). So It’s gonna be the tough one Quite challenging huh? This one scared me really, not the course, but my goals. I’ve been like this before. Scared not in wrong way, but more like, because i know that I can achieve it by working hard. the question is, would I sacrifice all my blood, sweat, and tears to achieve my goals for this race? Would I do the hard work? Would i have an intense commitment with training regime? It’s a big goals, but with God’s blessings, i hope I can bear all the training and finish it well on podium. I’m doing it because I think it is time for me to have big goals in triathlon that now I know my body and strength. It is important, because it is what keeps me going and organized. it is a full commitment, I mean I have trained hard and be fast, eat a very good meal towards the training and race to fuel my energy loss, and also rest well to recover my muscle.

I can achieve whatever goals i set. When I started Triathlon it was all for fun, but a year later, I hunt goals for fun! For the sake of satisfying myself and making my home country proud. I’m hoping that I can love and trust the process, be happy about whatever the outcome. As an athlete I’m used to the up and down of life. I don’t have to be success at every race, but can not be fail either. Everything is a learning process. You only fail when you stop trying. So work hard, and stay humble.

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